By binding an encryption rule with a monitored folder, you can customize the encryption options of specific groups of files contained in the folder. To associate an encryption rule to a monitored folder:
- Click on the menu icon in the top-left corner of your account’s homepage to access your DASHBOARD.
- Access the DATA LOSS PREVENTION section.
- Click on the name of the monitored folder.
- Click on ADD NEW.
- Give the rule a name by entering it in the related field.
- If you want to apply the rule you are defining to a specific File Encryptor Server, indicate the relevant ID in the DEVICE ID field. In the absence of a specific ID, this rule will be applied to all File Encryptor Servers that refer to the current company.Note: the ID indicated must correspond to the identifying name of the device in which File Encryptor Server has been installed previously indicated. This field supports text, numeric, alphanumeric and special characters.
- In the ACTIVATION CRITERIA section, enter a regular expression for at least one of the parameters indicated to filter the file encryption in the folder monitored in based on the NAME, CONTENT or CUSTOM PROPERTIES. For info on the regular expression syntax, see this site.
- In the FILE ENCRYPTOR RULES section, customize the encryption process by selecting one or more of the indicated items:
– ENCRYPT: when enabled, this option causes the deletion of the original file after it has been encrypted.
– UPLOAD: indicating a directory in this field, the encrypted file will be loaded into this folder.
– DELETE: this option, available only when UPLOAD item has been flagged, causes the deletion of the encrypted file from the monitored directory.Note: the UPLOAD option, combined with DELETE option, allows you to use the monitored directory as a transit method. That’s why The DELETE option is available in combination with the UPLOAD option. - In the CONFLICT MANAGER section, define the behaviour of the program in the event that data conflicts occur choosing from the following modes:
– REPLACE: when enabled, this option causes the new encrypted file to be overwritten.
– KEEP BOTH: when enabled, this option creates a copy of the encrypted file in the monitored directory.
– DENY: when enabled, this option prevents further encryption of an already existing file. - In the SELECT CLASSIFICATION area, select the classification tag with which to regulate access to files encrypted by the File Encryptor in the monitored folder.
- Click on SAVE to complete the operation.
Note: it is possible to create different rules to monitor the same folder only if the encryption rules will be combined with different companies. Otherwise, the operation will not be allowed.
Note: if the path of the inserted folder does not exist, an error message will appear indicating that the operation has failed.</ b>