In order to set the password of an existing user, perform the following actions:
- Click on the menu icon in the top-left corner of your account’s homepage to access your DASHBOARD.
- Access the USERS section.
- Click on the three-points menu located to the right of the user whose password need to be set.
- A new window appears, in which you can enter the password that you want to assign to the selected user.
- Optionally, enable the option associated with FORCE PASSWORD CHANGE ON FIRST LOGIN to complete the task.
- Click CONFIRM.
In order to install the Common Criteria EAL2+ certified version of BooleBox On-Premises, you must set a password at least eight characters long, containing one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number. You must also enable the FORCE PASSWORD CHANGE ON FIRST LOGIN option.
Note: if an administrator user attempts to set a password for a user that does not meet the minimum complexity criteria set for the company to which the user belongs, an error message will appear, inviting to enter a password that meets the criteria set.