BooleBox File Encryptor Suite is the BooleBox suite designed and developed to integrate the military encryption guaranteed by BooleBox to your usual repositories. The applications of the BooleBox Security Suite, which can be purchased separately or in bulk, are:
- FILE ENCRYPTOR FOR WINDOWS – application that allows you to apply the boolebox protection logics on files stored in local disks and/or network folders automatically encrypting them through rules to be set in the Dashboard.
- FILE ENCRYPTOR FOR ONEDRIVE AND SHAREPOINT – application that allows you to protect the files present in Microsoft’s cloud storage, taking advantage of boolebox military encryption security.
- FILE ENCRYPTOR FOR GOOGLE DRIVE – application that allows you to protect the files present in Google Drive’s cloud storage, taking advantage of boolebox military encryption security.
- FILE ENCRYPTOR FOR DROPBOX – application that allows you to protect the files present in Dropbox’s cloud storage, taking advantage of boolebox military encryption security.
Note: for more information about these applications, contact your consultant and ask for ad hoc guides! You will find useful and detailed information about the installation, configuration and use procedures.