In addition to protecting all your files with military-grade encryption while maintaining a hierarchy of specific permissions for designated users, BooleBox allows you to better organize the data of all your employees through the use of standard classifications. Unlike BooleBox classifications, standard classifications do not assign specific permissions to users: created through the Dashboard by an administrator user (SAM, ADM or ADR), they group together metadata, i.e. properties attributable by users to files in their possession. In other words, the administrator user will make it possible for selected users to assign properties that may be useful for consulting files. These metadata can be customized by the user who assigns them, according to the “key-value” mode. Through the dashboard the administrator user will set the key (i.e. the type of property, such as “boolean”), while the end user will match the metadata with a value (in the boolean case: true or false) in the assignment phase. Once assigned, metadata will be displayed in the side INFO panel and it will be possible to find the file through the search bar at the top also by inserting the metadata as a search key. To assign metadata to a file:
- Click on the CLASSIFY button next to the file you want to assign a metadata to.
- Click on the standard classification to which the metadata you want to assign belongs to.
- Click on the metadata you want to assign.
- Assign the metadata a value and press the confirmation icon.
- Click on CONFIRM.
- The metadata has now been assigned and can be viewed in the side INFO panel or used as a search key in the top bar.
Note: if you apply metadata to a folder, the metadata will be applied to all the files contained in the folder and it will not be possible to remove it for a specific file.