Boolebox allows the user to organize files in the classifications or in your files in different folders, through the use of links to the original file.
To create a link to a file, or folder, proceed with the following steps:
- In the three-point menu next to the file you are interested in select the “Actions” item and then “Copy”;
- In the folder in which you want to insert the link click on “Paste link”;
The linked file will now appear in the folder and by clicking on the three-point menu next to the file you want to work onit will be possible to carry out a series of actions:
- SHOW: action that allows you to view the original file;
- OPEN WITH: action that allows you to open the original file through Microsoft 365 or File Encryptor for Windows;
- TAG AS: action that allows you to tag the shortcut;
- ACTIONS: action that allows you to carry out a series of actions on the shortcut;
- DELETE: action to delete the shortcut;
- OPEN LOCATION: action that allows you to open the folder in which the original file is located;
By clicking on “Actions” you will be able to complete the indicated functions:
- CUT.
Note: the allowed operations (View and Edit) on the original file through the shortcut are defined by the rights assigned by the user on the original file.
Note: a shortcut can be shared only through its creation in a shared folder, to make sure it works correctly the original file needs to be shared as well.