To set a Personal key:
- Click on the three-point menu icon next to the file you want to assign a personal key to;
- Select the “Security” item;
- Select “Set Personal Key”;
- In the pop up window that is going to appear, fill in the dedicated fields with the Personal Key you want to assign to the selected file;
- Click on “Confirm” to complete the operation;
- If the administrator of the repository has made the Private Key saving optional, the user during the creation of the key will be able to choose whether to save it in the repository by selecting the corresponding checkbox.
Note: if the repository has been created by the administrator without the optional saving item enabled Personal Keys will be automatically saved in the repository without any further action from the user.
Note: Personal Keys inherit passwords minimum complexity criteria set by an administrator user (SAM, ADM or ADR) for the users of your company. If you try to enter a Personal Key that does not meet these requirements, an error message will appear indicating that the entered Personal Key does not meet the minimum complexity criteria.
Note: in order to comply with the complexity criteria set for the Common Criteria EAL2+ certified version of BooleBox On-Premises, the Personal Key must be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number.
Note: Personal Key validation will be confirmed until the end of the session. Once entered correctly for the first time, it will no longer be necessary to enter it until the end of the session.