The SMTP SERVER tab displays information about the mail server used by BooleBox On-Premises. To complete the configuration of this section, these fields must be completed:
- E-MAIL ADDRESS SENDER – the e-mail address that will be used to send file sharing notifications on the BooleBox platform.
- DISPLAY NAME SENDER – the name associated with the specified e-mail address, which is the name that will be displayed as the sender of the notification message.
- SMTP SERVER ADDRESS – the IP address or the FQDN name of the mail server.
- PORT – the communication port used by the e-mail server: 25 in case of standard connection or 587 in case of secure connection.
- USER SMTP – the username for the e-mail address specified in the E-MAIL ADDRESS SENDER field.
- SMTP PASSWORD – the password for the user just mentioned.
- If you want to use a secure connection, click on the SSL/TLS PROTOCOL checkbox.
- If you want to replace the address displayed in the notification e-mails with the BooleBox account e-mail, click on the SENDER E-MAIL ADDRESS USER checkbox. Warning: this feature is available only for SMTP servers that support it.
- Click on APPLY AND SAVE.
Note: in order to install the Common Criteria EAL2+ certified version of BooleBox On-Premises, you must set a secure connection by clicking on the SSL/TLS PROTOCOL checkbox. More precisely, the type of certificate inserted must be TLS 1.2 and the server mail port to be indicated must be 587.