If problems arise regarding the Storage Service component, it is necessary to check:
- from the STORAGE tab of BooleBox On-Premises control panel that the parameters entered to use the service are correct. To do this, perform a connection test using the CONNECT button. If the connection test fails, check that the IP address of the server and the port entered in control panel fields are correct and that the server hosting the BooleBox Storage Service is reachable through the specified TCP/IP port;
- from the IIS control panel, that the Microsoft Windows IIS service is up and running and that the application site is up & running. In case of problems concerning IIS, also check the Microsoft Windows Server log;
- that the user indicated as IDENTITY in the application pool of BooleBox Storage Service site has the rights for reading and writing in the destination where BooleBox files are saved. In order to do this, verify that in the path indicated in the SETTINGS.CONFIG file of the same component the permissions listed above are allowed;
- that there is free space to be used for saving data on the disk/storage used: for storage settings, check the path in the component’s SETTINGS.CONFIG file.