The DATABASE tab displays all the information about the database used by BooleBox On-Premises. To configure correctly this section, you must complete the following fields:
- DATABASE SERVER ADDRESS – the IP address of the server on which MySQL was installed.
- DATABASE CATALOG NAME – the database name that will be used by BooleBox to store all configuration, logs and data encryption keys files.
- DATABASE USER – the name of the user who will have access to the database.
- DATABASE PASSWORD – the password for the user indicated in the DATABASE USER field.
- Click on DATABASE TEST to create the database specified above.
- In the window that is going to appear on your screen, click on YES.
- On the next two screens, click on OK.
- Click on APPLY AND SAVE.
Note: the DATABASE TEST command, in case of an already existing database, performs two other operations:
– Checking the connection status with the database server.
– Database update in case of platform upgrades.
Note: if the database is not installed on the same server of BooleBox On-Premises, you must execute the following command from MySQL command prompt: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘USERNAME’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘PASSWORD’ WITH GRANT OPTION;