For a correct installation and configuration, in order to guarantee the complementarity between the installation of the platform and the safety objectives of the operating environment, BOOLEBOX ON PREMISES requires system users and privileges specially configured according to the following specifications:
- An Active Directory/local user with administrative rights on the server/s dedicated to BOOLEBOX ON PREMISES, to the additional components (MySQL, .NET Framework 4.5, IIS and State Service ) and the servers used for additional services (Node.JS, Document Manager, BooleBox Server Service, BooleBox Storage Service, BooleBox AD Service and Office Web Apps Service) to allow the installation of components listed above.
- A user domain related to the IIS pool application with permission "Full Control" on the path defined in the Settings file of the BOOLEBOX STORAGE SERVICE, i.e. with read, write and deletion permissions of the folder used for encrypted data storage.
- A MySQL user with DB Admin powers (comparable to root) to guarantee the necessary permissions for database management operations.